Iwata Eclipse HP-CS or Badger Renegade Krome

No disrespect to Badger. i have used the 150, 100g and they are very nice. But they are ugly ducklings in a sea of beauty :)
just look at the iwata and the infinity, not to mention the olympos. Not only are they pretty, they spray like a bag of nipples :)
but in all seriousness . the hp-cs and hp-sbs eclipse .35 is an outstanding design/performer. hands down the best airbrush for all around use on the market.
you can give it to a beginner and they won't break it.
you can give it someone who has been painting for years, with a less expensive airbrush, and i promise their work work will be better.
I proved it to myself 15 years ago. I was painting some thing for practice. I was on a badger kick out of curiosity. i found a 100g on ebay and bought it.
after spraying with the 100g, i sprayed the exact same thing over with an hp-cs.
needless to say, the line quality, the shading atomization. no comparison. the hp-cs is a DEMON !!!
Plus the hp-cs has a removeable 3hole head design. just like the big boys, cm-c etc.
NO OTHER Airbrush in that category offers what the hp-cs /sbs does in atomization technology. and thats what it all comes down to.
WE have exorcised the demons !!!! jim carrey :)
I know i sound like a big D to some if ya don't know me, but i'll be damned if i'm not speaking the truth with conviction for no other reason... its 3 am and i'm still up. what is wrong with me ??
I can't compare as I've only just bought my first airbrush. It's a Badger Velocity. I spent a good hour with Steve from Barwell who let me use all his brushes including the Krome (which is what I'd originally gone to buy). It was a bit big and clumpy for me. I do love my velocity though. Not helpful but I'd read through the replies with interest and thought is add to them
I have both Iwata and Badger plus i have other airbrushes. The Badger is good but i swing to the Iwata at the end of the day especially if you have a 40% off coupon. I also liked the Paasche Talon and got very fine detail with it. They're quite inexpensive however they are a little heavier.
At the end of the day it's you're choice what you buy but i've had less hassle with the Iwata. Ideally you should go and test both and see what you prefer.
