Compressor/ air trap/ manifold how to



Can anyone please tell me (or picture me even better) how to configure a pancake compressor, to water trap/regulator, to 3 hole manifold, to air brush(s). I have all the parts, I'd just like to do it with out 100' of hose running all over the place. Thanks
just a thought. You could also put water trap/pressure regulator on the compressor so you would have one hose less.

pancake compressor -> water trap/regulator -> hose -> 3 hole manifold -> 3x hose -> 3x airbrush

I'm a little slow today, had a busy day...
the catch here is if I understand this stuff correctly -.- , if you hose is long before your airbrush, you will get water in your airbrush. That's why people use pistol grip moisture trap.

My setup for example is: compressor -> pressure regulator/water trap ->very long hose like 15 meters=50 foot -> pressure regulator/water trap -> hose ->pistol grip moister trap -> airbrush