


Hi. all!

Finally, i did it! I learned all i could about airbrushing and got everything i needed to start training on my own. And allthough i only just started, i've learned SO much just these past couple of weeks. You could say i got hooked. I've been drawing since forever but have never kind of found the right scene so of speak. Charchoal is fun but limiting (for me, anyway), pencils and markers, brush painting, oils and acrylics. I tried them all but either its too slow, or i cant seem to get real hang of if. But with airbrushing a whole new world opened up, and i just cant put it away. I'm having so much fun its ridicolous :)

I'm from norway, and here sadly, theres not much market for airbrush artists. But after searching everywhere for a dealer i finally found somebody locally who actually makes airbrushes. So i bought one and i like the feel of it, and it looks nice with a good chrome job and a brass finish. Its pretty small, but at the same time ergonomic. Its called "Small-size" and is made for model painters. With a 0.3 nozzle i get really fine control, but i'm also learning the hard way about tipdry. I think its a good thing, because i also learn plenty about different paints, mixing with thinners and other media. I also bought a compressor but i couldnt find couplings to match the airbrush. So i started to research again. You wont believe how many hours i've used just browsing for parts. I ended up with having to by yet another compressor, and that didnt fit either! I was SO frustrated, and it actually took three whole months to get started. Now i only need a valve to adjust pressure into the airbrush as the compressor is constantly set on aprox 50 psi. I am also thinking about re-building the first one i bought, as it has a much larger tank.

These last days i've been experimenting with mixing colors and mediums, and am i glad i did! One can save tons of money this way and thats allways a good thing.
I'll be sure to upload some of my paintings shortly, and maybe get some constructive criticism.

Anyway, i just wanted to say hi and maybe make som new friends too? That'd be great. I miss "talking shop".. :)

Greetings from norway.
Hi from germany and welcome to the forum Blue. Glad that you finaly are able to start with the airbrushing. It´s really bad that you have such a hard time to find
equipment and parts in norway.
Welcome blue, your sure to find freinds here who love talking shop!
This is an airbrush artist in Norway that I know, she would be able t help you with all you searching, if she can't get it for you, she will know where you can get it.

Held 10 t/ 2 dagars kurs i grunnleggande utstyrslære & teknikk i motivlakkering.
Tar store & mindre oppdrag - ta kontakt på 99301305 for pristilbud.
Os/ Eidfjord - NORWAY, Bergen, Hordaland

If she can't help then try Frank at this link airbrush4you.de - Airbrush | Airbrushpistolen | Airbrushfarben | Airbrushsets | Airbrushhalter | Airbrushbücher | Airbrushvideos | Airbrushkompressoren | Airbrushmagazine they ship all over Europe
Welcome Blue, from the U.S.... a fellow newbie here, learning everything I can too. This has been a great place to learn, meet some great artist, who are glad to share their knowledge, and you'll feel like a part of the family in no time. Can't wait to see some of your paintings.
This is an airbrush artist in Norway that I know, she would be able t help you with all you searching, if she can't get it for you, she will know where you can get it.

Held 10 t/ 2 dagars kurs i grunnleggande utstyrslære & teknikk i motivlakkering.
Tar store & mindre oppdrag - ta kontakt på 99301305 for pristilbud.
Os/ Eidfjord - NORWAY, Bergen, Hordaland

If she can't help then try Frank at this link airbrush4you.de - Airbrush | Airbrushpistolen | Airbrushfarben | Airbrushsets | Airbrushhalter | Airbrushbücher | Airbrushvideos | Airbrushkompressoren | Airbrushmagazine they ship all over Europe

Frank from Airbrush4you is a really cool guy :) and i heard they have customers all over the world. His shop is supposed to be the biggest airbrush shop in europe.
I learned all i could about airbrushing
hi blue welcome to or friendly forum it's great to have you here.sorry to hear it's taken you so long to get started, sounds ready frustrating especially when you are so eager to get going. as soon as you get some paint down post it in the works in progress section for some helpful advice....enjoy your time hear brother

with reference to your a above quote...you havn't even started my friend.if you don't learn something every day on this forum then either we are failing miserably.....or you can't read hehe...enjoy and see you around
Hehe, u never learn everything about airbrushing, but welcome, you'll enjoy the forum and the art.
Welcome from Holland. Airbrush had me excited for 32 years. You're off for a wonderful (re-)start on this forum. Good shooting.
Welcome to our humble abode!! It sounds as if the great people here have got you squared away on the parts. I know that feeling you speak if and it is the purest form of CRACK that is legal, and we are all addicted, lol!! Glad to have ya here!!!
