Question for price


Mac-Valve Maestro!
Hi everyone.
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Ok, a local paint store in greece is giving away an iwata cm c plus custom micron (red box edition) for 300 Euros which is about 350$. Is it worth it? I have the high performance HP-BR which doesn't pleases me mostly for the amount of paint...
It's very good price. If I were you, I'd buy that.
Ask them if they have CM-C (without plus):) Who knows maybe they do... My opinion is this model is much more convenient than CM-C+. CM-C has shorter body and is more convenient for detail freehand work.
It's very good price. If I were you, I'd buy that.
Ask them if they have CM-C (without plus):) Who knows maybe they do... My opinion is this model is much more convenient than CM-C+. CM-C has shorter body and is more convenient for detail freehand work.
I destroy in my life full line of microns :) yes they are to delicate for me... and CM-C was moust durable.
Man, you'd better be a bit more careful with them:D Or is that your hobby to destroy microns?:)
I dont brake them on parts anymore i found that good flushing its good to keep them in mint condition.